Please return this form to:
The Israel Philatelic Service
12 Shderot Yerushalayim
68021 Tel Aviv - Yafo, Israel


Yes! I would like to become a subscriber to the Israel Philatelic Service. Please enter my standing order for the new postal issues of Israel.
Please send notification for payment to:Please send philatelic items and other information to:
Mr. / Mrs. /Miss:
Mr. / Mrs. /Miss:
Street: Street:
No: No:
City: City:
State: State:
Zip Code Zip Code
Country: Country:

I have indicated the quantities in the box provided. I understand that my order must consist of one of the items 01-08. If I choose only of items numbered 01-03, I will select at least 2 sets of either stamps or First Day Covers or one of each, in order to satisfy the minimum standing order requirements.

Items are supplied in sets only. A set consists of one of each design issued on the same day of issue.
01Single Stamp With tab 15Tete Beche Sheet
02Single Stamp With tab - cancelled 24Tete Beche Sheet - cancelled
03First Day Cover 16Stamp Booklet
04Plate Block 21Stamp Booklet - cancelled
05Tab Block 18Special Sheet
06Single Row 25Special Sheet - cancelled
08Post Office Sheet 11Special and P.O.Cancellations
09Souvenir Sheet 19New Issue Cancellations
10Souvenir Sheet - cancelled 12Souvenir Leaf
20Souvenir Sheet on FDC 13Maximum Card
14Tete Beche Row 17Postal Stationery
23Tete Beche Row - cancelled 22Postal Stationery - cancelled
27Automatic Machine Labels
28FDC for Automatic Machine Labels
30Information Folders
40"Bezeq" Phone Cards
I enclose my initial payment of ____________________ :
Date ______________________ Signature ______________________

For office use only:
Account No. :
Please return this form to:
The Israel Philatelic Service
12 Shderot Yerushalayim
68021 Tel Aviv - Yafo, Israel