Loans and scholarships
The Postal Bank is responsible for the transfer of loans, grants and scholarships approved by the Ministry of Education.
A student who has received approval for his entitlement to a grant or scholarship from the Ministry of Education must send the required documents via mail to the following address: Att: Leah Sarel – Postal Bank, 217 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem, zip code 91999.
Examination of the documents at the Bank takes up to one month, after which it is possible to check approval of the loan via the voice mail at telephone number: 02-5005304
FAQ about grants and scholarships
Grant undertaking commitment form
The Postal Bank is responsible for the transfer of loans, grants and scholarships approved by the Ministry of Education.
A student who has received approval for his entitlement to a loan from the Ministry of Education must contact one of the approved postal units to fill in the required forms.
Examination of the documents at the Bank takes up to one month, after which it is possible to check approval of the loan via the voice mail at telephone number: 02-5005304
FAQ about receipt of loans
FAQ about loan repayment