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EUROGIRO - Money transfers to bank accounts worldwide Print   Back >>


The Israel Postal Authority has expanded its international money transfer services to include crediting foreign bank accounts abroad from post offices in Israel.

The service is offered to the general public including persons who have bank accounts at other banks. You must pay for the transfer in cash .
There is no need to have an account with the Postal Bank to SEND a Eurogiro money transfer.
It is also possible to RECEIVE money sent from abroad directly to your Postal Bank account.


* Money is transferred within 4 business days
* Low commission charges
* Wide coverage-it is possible to credit any bank in the world
* It is possible for the sender to pay all commission charges (OUR transfer) or to designate that the commission charges will be shared by sender and receiver (BEN transfer)
* It is possible to pay for the transfer in NIS, USD or EURO
* Benefit from the reliability and expertise of the Israel Postal Authority
* Varity of payment methods: Cash, Cheque, credit card, money bank transfer.
Some examples of frequent usage of the Eurogiro service:
* To support loved ones living or studying abroad
* To make reservations for your next vacation
* To pay tuition fees for universities abroad
* To purchase goods from international catalogues/websites- without divulging your credit card information
* To pay for the import of goods from abroad

Important: It is necessary to have the exact details of the bank account number of the beneficiary abroad including the SWIFT CODE and IBAN ( if sending to the EU) of the bank credited.

Download the Send form.


It is also possible to receive money sent to you from a bank account abroad at a post office near you, if you now have or if you open an account with the Postal Bank.

Your bank account will be credited in NIS.
The Postal Bank offers excellent exchange rates and will not charge any commission for the deposit made to the account.

Please make sure that the sender designates the following SWIFT CODES when sending the money to your account at the Postal Bank:

If the money is sent in USD:
The Swift code for the Israel Postal Bank is: IPOAILIJ
The Swift code for the correspondent bank,
Deutsche Bank NY is: BKTRUS 33

If the money is sent in EURO:
The Swift code for the Israel Postal Bank is: IPOAILIJ
The Swift code for the correspondent bank.
Deutsche Bank Frankfurt is: DEUTDEFF

How Much Does it Cost?

Special Offer!! Surprise your loved ones at home.
Send any amount with Euro Giro China, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Turkey
For Only 3$ !!

Special Rates for transfers to :
China, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Nepal – For local Passport holders only!
$ 1 - $ 1000 $ 10
$1001 - $1500 $ 12
$1501 - $2000 $ 16

Rates for all other countries

Amount sent (USD)
From: To: CHARGES -
1 2,000 15 28
2,001 5,000 20 33
5,001 10,000 30 43
10,001 20,000 30 50
20,001 25,000 35 55
25,001 30,000 45 65
30,001 35,000 55 75
35,001 40,000 60 80
40,001 45,000 70 90
45,001 50,000 75 95
50,001 100,000 80 100
The commissions charged for the Eurogiro service are quoted in dollars, as the charges are set by Eurogiro.
However, the commission at the post office must be paid in shekels only.
The principle sent may be paid in shekels, dollars* or euro*.
*at post offices which sell foreign currency

A surcharge of 0.75% is added on if the money transfer is paid in foreign currency.
Even lower commissions are charged to frequent senders. Please inquire with the Post office manager.

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