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Collect Mail - Reverse charge service – mail fees are paid by the recipient Print   Back >>
Collect Mail is an envelope or postcard that a customer mails back to a business, without payment of mail fees.

This is a reply method that offers numerous benefits and enables a business to enjoy all the benefits: it makes it easy, efficient and convenient for the recipient, and most importantly… the business only pays for postcards / envelopes that were actually mailed back by the recipients.

There are several types of Collect mail types and a wide range of applications:
Collect mail postcards – the simplest and most common type.
Business collect mail – enables a wide range of marketing campaigns.
Voucher and collect mail envelope – to create a more impressive or “personal” feel.

Use of collect mail can be made to establish a customers club, receive orders, conduct market surveys, and order products and services by customers.
Approval for use of this service is given at postal units.

For additional information and receipt of approval, contact a postal unit or one of the following marketing department, according to geographical areas:
Jerusalem: 02-5312267/8
Haifa: 04-8304047
Tel Aviv and Center: 03-6303290
South: 07-6295850
How Much Does it Cost?
It is possible to accumulate payments on a monthly basis, as long as each individual mailing is over the minimal quantity required for each type of mail item, and all the accumulated items belong to the same weight category.  
Delivery of collect mail letter, of regular type, to a customer
(up to 20 grams) - for each item as of the first item
 2.00 NIS
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