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Commercial distribution from business to business Print   Back >>
This service is designed for the business sector, for distribution from business to business. It is suitable for manufacturers, importers and distributors that send packages to businesses throughout the country, and does not include deliveries to private residences. (A business is defined as a location in which the minimal opening hours are 8:00 to 17:00).
The service is provided from 50 packages a month. In the case of monthly activity that totals less than 50 packages, your account will be debited for the equivalent of 50 package deliveries. The maximal weight for a package is 25 Kg., and maximal volume: height 80 cm., and total of the four other sides will be no greater than 180 cm. A deviation from the maximal weight (up to 35 Kg.) or volume will be charged an additional 10.00 NIS per package. The service is provided on a next day delivery basis, and is available door to door in 176 towns.
How Much Does it Cost?
Number of packages per month Rate for package delivery Area A Rate for package delivery Area B Rate for package delivery Area c
100-50 30.42 NIS 32.76 NIS 35.10 NIS
101-250 26.91 NIS 29.25 NIS 31.59 NIS
251-500 24.57 NIS 26.91 NIS 29.25 NIS
501-1,000 22.23 NIS 24.57 NIS 26.91 NIS
Over 1,000 21.06 NIS 23.40 NIS 25.74 NIS

1. The service is provided to subscribers and includes delivery of packages to businesses or offices throughout the county.
A package will be delivered by a messenger on the work day following the collection day to a business / office working at fixed opening hours (8:00 to 17:00). The service includes one delivery attempt only, and return of the document / invoice according to the customer’s requirement.
2. Service quality:
  Attached list of destinations – within one work day (24 hours) of the collection time.
For towns not included in this list, including “on the road” facilities – up to 3 work days from the collection time.
Towns in Judea and Samaria – according to the mail delivery procedures in each town.
3. The maximal weight for a package is 25 Kg. For a package weighing 35 Kg., an additional 10.00 NIS will be added to the rate.
4. Maximal package dimensions: base circumference 200 cm., maximal height 80 cm
5. For the Bring Me service, an additional charge of  8.19 NIS will be added per item.
6. For item delivery in return for collection and return of a check from the recipient (collect service), an additional charge of 11.70 NIS will be added.
7. Warrantee for a damaged or lost package:
Conditions for receipt of compensation
1. Warranty for direct damage only (loss, theft, damage).
2. Warranty for non-return of a return envelope in collect service is up to 100 NIS.
3. Warranty is given for items that are not fragile. Any fragile item that is sent requires receipt of packaging approval. There is no warranty for items sent without advanced packaging approval.
4. No warranty for items containing cash or cash equivalents or jewelry that were delivered without advanced approval.
5. No warrantee for damage to items that were sent or collected from service laboratories.

Monthly number of items Max. Compensation sum per item
1-500 1,500 NIS
501-1,000 5,000 NIS
1,001-10,000 14,000 NIS
8. Supplementary services – shipment of platforms from point to point, without unloading.
Maximal dimensions for a platform: base -100*100, maximal height – 160 cm., and weight – up to 500 Kg:

Group ** Rate per platforms
Central region (Hadera to Gadera and Jerusalem) 174.00 NIS
Dead Sea, Eilat, Golan Heights 290.00 NIS
Other towns 232.00 NIS
  ** If the collection and / or delivery point is not in the same group, the price will be set according to the higher of the two groups.
For delivery of more than 100 platforms in a calendar month, a discount of 20 NIS per platform will be given.
9. If an item is returned to a subscriber, the price of an additional delivery will be charged.

As a business distribution customer, please note the following highlights:In the shipping bill, specify the precise weight
For a package – specify service type 14
For a platform – specify service type 25
Please attach a Business Distribution label (will be provided by the service provision center)
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